2019 RCPRO Club 40 Rules for the Airplanes – Section 16 (Version 1/1/2019) 
16.1 Airframes 
16.1.1 Airframes Allowed The World Models Sky Raider Mach II ARF or ARC, per instructions The World Models LA Racer 40 ARF, per instructions The StegallHobbies.com Club 40 Racer (Sky Raider clone), WM hardware or allowed substitutes.
16.1.2 Airframe Variations All factory versions are approved. Additional color trim or recovering is encouraged. You may modify older versions to match current factory versions. You may use wooden blocks to modify the new LA Racer to install the older wire gear. You may mix and match fuselages, wings, landing gear and empennages of The World Models planes and the Club 40 Racer.
16.1.3 Airframe Restrictions Wheel pants are not allowed even if the kit includes them 
16.2 Classes (in the order of advancing performance) 
16.2.1 Club 40 Bronze: Minimum weight: Minimum weight without fuel is 4 lb. and 4 oz. Engines: (bushing bearing engines of .46 c.i. or below) Thunder Tiger GP-40 or GP-42, OS .40 or 46 LA, OS .40 FP, Magnum .40 GP, Tower Hobbies 40 or clones of the listed engines are allowed. 
16.2.2 Club 40 Silver Minimum weight: Minimum weight without fuel is 4 lb. and 8 oz. Engines: (ball bearing engines of .40 c.i. or below, with exception) Thunder Tiger Pro .40 BB ABC w/Muffler, SuperTigre GS-40, Magnum XLS 40, ASP S40AII, GMS .40 ABC BB, Evolution .40NT and .40 NX, OS .40 BB sport engines or any clones/copies of the listed engines. Alternative Engines (ball bearing engines of .46 c.i. or below) Sport engines of .46 cubic inch maximum displacement with a maximum street price of $160. Pre-approved Engines: O.S. 46AXII, O.S. 46AX, O.S. 46FX, Thunder Tiger Pro 46, SuperTigre GS-45 Dual BB ABC, GMS .46 ABC BB, Evolution .46NX, Magnum XLS 46, ASP S46AII, or any clones/copies of the listed engines, or any Club 40 Silver engine as listed in 
All 0.46 ci engines must use APC 10 X 6 sport prop.